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Swedens ridiculous waste of taxpayer money continues

The Swedish government has given a contract to a job placement company called Bemmania. This is just another dissappointing choice and another waste of the the taxpayers money.

I hård konkurrens med 55 andra företag kommer Bemannia att skriva
ramavtal med staten i landets samtliga 21 län. Upphandlingen, vars
beslut meddelades den 19 oktober, gäller ramavtal för
personaluthyrningstjänster inom den statliga inköpssamordningen

Again the government is placing money in the hands of consult companies who only move parts of a highly educated work group from one job to another. They do nothing to help blue collar workers or immigrants. Moves like this will not help workers being layed off from paper mills, saw mills or metal industries. These are the branches hardest hit by the crisis. It is doubtful that Bemmania can help 2000 Volvo workers find employment as accountants, network technicians or business managers.

This is 400 million kronor that would have been better spent helping small businesses and kommuns for 2 years. Future small business owners cannot get capitalized by banks or venture capitalists. These small businesses are a necessity in rural areas which are dependant on them to attract workers and business from other areas. Kommuns are begging for cash to start training programs and support a new jobless group, one that has been working for 20 years and can work 20 more years.

Again the Swedish government proves that they have no plans for helping the jobless in this economic crisis. They continue to spend money in ways that are not only wasteful but actually cause society more hardship. They seem to think that this is 1985 again and it is not.

Neglect of societies needs in times like this is not something that can be fixed by a change in government. This can only have hopes of being made better by a change in thinking by those presently in power. They need to stop pretending that things have gone horribly wrong but they will work themselves out. They need to accept the fact that the only way out of this crisis is to spend on things like infrastructure. Because if they create jobs people will find the jobs without wasting money on Bemmania.

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